

Balance Bikes vs Stabilisers? Which Is The Best?


An Overview

When it comes to buying your child their first bike, there really are only two options, balance bikes and stabilisers.

Many of us reading this article grew up on stabilisers and have been fine ever since! So what is this new fad of balance bikes all about? Are they any better than stabilisers? Let’s take a look.


Where could you go wrong with stabilisers? They were the perfect addition to any child’s bike to help them to learn how to ride their bike.

When buying your child their first bike, they often come as a matching set to the bike itself. And what’s not to love? They get to ride their bike without you or them worrying about falling over and hurting themselves.

Plus, I doubt anyone can match the feeling of finally taking off those stabilisers and riding your big kid bike without any aid.

As we look back fondly at stabilisers, they perhaps weren’t all they were hyped up to be.

How difficult it was to turn with stabilisers? Or for mums and dads out there, how hard they were to fit!

But of course, the ultimate downfall is that your child will feel confident riding their bike. Only until the stabilisers will come off and then it’s back to square one! 


Balance Bikes

Balance bikes are the new, hot bike on the scene. At first glance, the most surprising feature is that there are no pedals. You may feel cheated a little. But this is the whole point of balance bikes.

It’s almost working backwards to stabilisers whereby, your child will gradually find their balance and build their muscles to be able to balance effectively first.

Our electric range of balance bikes helps children focus on their balance and develop those skills first, without having to worry about peddling.

Then, when you do buy them a new bike with pedals, the hard part is done! They may wobble to begin with but since they’ve already developed the stability they need to ride the bike, they should instantly be able to control their bike and may even be riding after just 30 minutes!

Does anyone remember the loud, plastic rattling on concrete? How difficult it was to turn with stabilisers? Or for mums and dads out there, how hard they were to fit!

Our Verdict

Obviously, we’re quite biased, with a selection of balance bikes available. 

But it’s hard not to see the benefits of building that confidence up first, helping your little ones find their balance and then learning how to pedal.

Furthermore, with the Amped balance bike range, this can help develop your child into learning how to ride motorbikes from a young age. Whilst they’re only balance bikes, the basic, underlying fundamentals remain the same and this is one of the best ways to get your kid riding a bike from an early age.

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